Sunday, September 7, 2008

Why I knit

According to a magnet I purchased yesterday, "I knit so I don't kill." Knitting, and all my other fibery pursuits, sooth me. They keep my hands busy so I can listen quietly at meetings. They keep my mind busy so I can sit patiently in the waiting room of the medical clinic. Occasionally, life gets in the way and I don't knit (or spin, or weave) for several days in a row. It doesn't take many days before my husband says something wise like, "I haven't seen you knit in a couple of days. Why don't you take some time for a few rows?" (A sentence like that was doubtlessly preceded by a complete melt-down where I found the house "exploded" as I came in from work. Children cowering in the corner push my dh forward to deliver that little speech. OK, perhaps a little exaggerated, but you get the picture.) Knitting is repetitive, meditative and wonderful.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Your children recognize when you need a break? How Lucky!