Sunday, October 26, 2008

The greater good

My parents taught me to think of the greater good. So, I'm the type of person that moves all the way down as far as possible in all the shows at Disney World. The people that stop in the middle of a row are...well...SELFISH! "What's in it for me if I move all the way down?" "I want the best seat." That type of person thinks only of themselves and doesn't care that their actions make it harder for others to enjoy the same show. This time of year, similar things happen on hayrides sometimes. People pick the "best" seat and let others crawl over them to squish onto the wagon. Drives me nuts.

Does this tie into the election? Sure. I'm voting Republican for the greater good. I am completely, 100% pro-life. I want every baby to have a chance at life. Hmmm...some of you out there want to know "What's in it for me to have all these babies live?" Well, if you want to talk financially, eventually all those babies will be taxpayers. If you want to talk health care, those babies could be adopted and parents desiring to have a child wouldn't have to pay for all those extreme fertility treatments. (I do believe insurance companies should pay, though. Most will pay for abortions, but many will not pay for even the least treatment for infertility. Talk about unfair!)

Growing government is not in the best interest of "the greater good." What ever happened to America's independent spirit? People used to "do for themselves" and not wait for some government agency to bail them out. Don't get me wrong. I do donate money and food and clothing to those with financial difficulties. To those working poor that just can't make ends meet. I have no problem paying taxes to help those who are truly disabled, either. However, this welfare system we have needs more oversight. Too many out there are just milking the system for everything they can get, knowing that they could, and should, get and keep a job instead. My family escaped a communist regime to MAKE a life for themselves here. Never did they expect anything to be handed to them. We are proud to be productive, tax-paying citizens of this nation. We just want our taxes used wisely, and truly for the greater good.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Spreading the wealth

Senator Obama feels that he should take the money that I earned and share it with those that didn't earn my money. I have two thoughts about that.

1. Isn't it my right to decide to whom I wish to donate money? (By the way, I DO donate money to various charities.)

2. Will Senator Obama's daughters be sharing their Halloween candy with all the kids that didn't go trick-or-treating?

Monday, October 13, 2008


Life has its seasons. One day you're in school having a hard time imagining a day when you and your friends won't be together. The next, you're in college and finding new friends. Slowly, your old friends slip away. Class reunions are not what they're cracked up to be. The friends you wish to see again, don't come. The drinkers still drink. The smokers still smoke. At my 20th class reunion, I decided it wasn't worth it because I was so disappointed that so few of my true friends were in attendance.

Then, out of the blue, a "old" friend sees you at the doctor's office or finds you online. What a kick! Suddenly, you're in a happy game of catch-up. You size each other up in your new grown-up forms. Sometimes, the meeting is fleeting. (Hey, that rhymed!) But other times, the neatest thing reconnect. Hi Suz! Hi Steve!