Tuesday, April 14, 2009

(This is what I'm mailing tomorrow to Mr. Obama, Ms. Pelosi, and Senators Feingold and Kohl.)

April 14, 2009

Dear Mr. President,
Please accept this empty tea envelope as a symbol of my disgust in the state of affairs in our nation’s capitol. I am attending a TEA party tomorrow, April 15th, tax day. In this case, TEA stands for Taxed Enough Already. Have our legislators forgotten that they work FOR US? My tax dollars are being used for immoral purposes, such as funding embryonic stem cell research, and abortion subsidies in this country AND IN MEXICO. I am also tired of being told it is my duty as an American to pay MORE taxes to rescue people that purchased larger houses than they could afford. It is absolutely unconscionable that my tax dollars are being given to ILLEGAL aliens. My family came from a different country LEGALLY. However, we are responsible citizens. We all have jobs. We pay our taxes. We live on budgets and don’t ask others to remediate the consequences of any poor decisions we make.

The Stimulus Package recently passed has much “pork” shoved into it. I am very concerned for the future of the United States of America. The little bits of legislation stuck inside that massive stimulus package add up to a huge tax hike for responsible citizens to cover the backsides of irresponsible ones!

Tomorrow, I am “dumping” my tea, along with millions of other American citizens who have had enough of this ridiculous tax situation. I love my country but fear my government.


Me (actual letters signed with my real name and address)

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Constant vigilance is one of the prices of freedom. We shouldn't "trust" our government, and we should speak out and let them know our feelings.