Sunday, August 17, 2008

It begins...

Me? A blogger? What a silly thought! Yet I have been told that my writing style makes people laugh. Makes people think. That appeals to the teacher in me. Who am I? I'm a wife, mother, elementary music teacher, singer, knitter, spinner and amateur philosopher. Warning. I tell the truth. Truth-tellers aren't always popular. I am also a conservative Christian and do not apologize for it. I have many friends of different political and religious affiliations and we get along swimmingly. However, if you will be offended by my religious beliefs, political views or my take on life in general, I wish you good luck in finding a blog that will suit you better. Rather than posting hurtful comments, I hope you will use your energy to pursue your truth.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

You forgot to mention that you are an intensely caring person, which is what makes you a great teacher, one I am grateful that my children have each had five years of exposure to.